As a young student, I thought school was only stressful for me, but once I started to work with adults I noticed that the stress hits the parent’s tremendously harder than the child.
Every year, right before school begins, there is a slight drop off in clients’ progress. This happens for multiple reasons. Prolonged elevated stress, time management issues, new routine, no routine, getting your child(ren) into their own routine, less time to workout, and possibly less sleep.
But you are not doomed! You can win this battle!
A successful battle starts with a plan.
- Time blocking
Before the storm hits, plan out your entire week.
Begin by plugging in the everyday basics: wake, school, work, workout, bed.
Then plug in the details: mediation, meal prep days, soccer games, etc.
Popular planners:
Google Calendars
Passion Planner.
Fantastical 2 App
- Say No
The first couple weeks are going to be spent on figuring out you and your families new schedule. Do not overdo yourself by putting too much on your schedule.
Take advantage of open time by doing relaxing activates or prepping for the week ahead to help manage the stress caused by school.
- Keep it simple
Yes, I understand that simple food isn’t as “fun”, but sticking to strictly single ingredient protein, carbs, fats, and some spices will help you hit your goals without overthinking or over using your time.
- Learn from your downfalls
Even if you do the three steps above, that does not insure that your week will be perfect. Life is fluid and things come up. Please, do not get frustrated and give up.
Instead take time to later on in the day or week to look back at the problem and decide whether it was something that you could have controlled or if it was just life.
If it was something that you could have controlled by making small adjustments, AWESOME! Make the small changes, and that is GROWTH!
If it was life, let it go, be kind to yourself, and keep on doing you!