Back to School is Here!

Back to School is Here!

As a young student, I thought school was only stressful for me, but once I started to work with adults I noticed that the stress hits parent’s tremendously harder than the child.


Every year, right before school begins, there is a slight drop off in clients’ progress. This happens for multiple reasons. Prolonged elevated stress, time management issues, new routine, no routine, getting your child(ren) into their own routine, less time to workout, and possibly less sleep.


But you are not doomed! You can win this battle!


A successful battle starts with a plan.

Foods in Season: Summer

Foods in Season: Summer

This week marks the beginning of summer, which means a new “Foods In Season” list! We hope this list helps you pair a bunch of fresh foods with some new fun memories!


  • Radishes .7g Fat/ 3.5g Carbs 1.6g Fiber/ .7g Protein

  • Arugula .7g Fat/ 3.7g Carbs 1.6g Fiber/ 2.6g Protein


  • Apricots .4 Fat/ 11.2g Carbs 2g Fiber/ 1.4g Protein

  • Cherries .3 Fat/ 12.2g Carbs 1.6g Fiber/ 1g Protein 


All About the Fat

All About the Fat

Back in the 1980’s and 1990’s, America was all about everything “low-fat,” and anything fat was taboo.  We replaced our whole eggs, bacon and butter with low fat turkey bacon, egg whites, and margarine. We also bought low fat mayo, low fat salad dressings, and fat free baked goods.  But how many asked what they replaced the fat with. Needless to say, we did not get any healthier. Or fitter. At the same time, people in other countries were continuing to consume fats like they always did.  And they lived their lives relatively free of cardiovascular disease.

Why I am Ditching the Coffee

Why I am Ditching the Coffee

My morning always had to start with a cup of coffee because who doesn’t love having a creamy cup of joe in their morning routine? A couple hours later it was time to train, which meant another cup of coffee as it is part of the pre-workout routine. Then it was time to coach, so if I really needed I would go ahead and go for one more. By this point, I felt like I was drinking more coffee than water. As a result, coffee had little effect on keeping me going.



Have you ever had the feeling that you weren’t good enough at something?  You know, those negative thoughts creeping into your head, whispering into your mind that you just don’t have what it takes?

Chances are your answer to these questions are yes.  I know for me it is. But I have news for you…you can train your mind to work against that!  

Eyeballing Measurements

Eyeballing Measurements

If you are trying stick to an individualized nutrition plan going out can be a very stressful thing especially if you are not comfortable with tracking and measuring your food in public. If this is you then eyeballing measurements is a great tool! This gives you an idea of portion sizes so that you do not go overboard, and you can still plug your foods in (before you eat them).



If you have ever been watching TV late at night, or a sporting event like football, chances are you have seen a commercial advertising some sort of medication to treat low testosterone levels.  They seem to always prey on our masters athletes – our silverback studs getting after it in the gym, promising their pill will solve their problems, only to start 20 other side effects that for whatever freaking reason always includes anal leakage.